Saturday, April 26, 2008

My guilty pleasure for the day

My daughter arrived home from college yesterday. The semester is over and she’s back home for four months. When she arrived home with the six (you heard me right – SIX) 30-gallon garbage bags full of dirty laundry (including a few articles of young-men’s clothing that didn’t belong to her – and I’m not asking about) I just sort of sighed and thought. . . where in the world did I go wrong?. . . But then, this morning (OK, more like noon) when she finally woke up and turned on the music, all was WELL AGAIN in my household! (Low, Low, Low, Low, Low, Low, Low, Low!) She is such a joy to have around. I’ve missed her innate ability to brighten up a room just with her presence and smile. She managed to have me smiling and singing right along with her within moments of arising from her sleep. She also informed me that she and I are going dancing and karaoke-ing this evening. Sweet. =)
So anyway, here’s my own “guilty pleasure” for the day (Shhh – don’t tell anyone, K?) =P

(P.S. – Sorry I’m not very sociable with anyone lately. I guess I just haven’t had much to say. Just have a lot going on and a lot on my mind right now. Think of everyone often though).


Anonymous said...

Yo just enjoy your time with your daughter.

Anonymous said...

I used to do that. Come home with loads of dirty clothes. No likes to do laundry in college. It's some sort of unwritten rule.

Well, I think our certificate came in the mail. We're going to pick it up today and hope its all done correctly. Cross the fingers. Also, pics are up at facebook if there.


Check out my business site!

Go to the contact page and there are links to myspace and facebook.

Hope you are doing well. And just like you been quiet and busy with stuff. But still around. I am not dead!

Anonymous said...

"Where did you go wrong", don't be sure that you did. Enjoy your summer!

Anonymous said...

Nothing went wrong... happiness is all around you :D

Soge shirts said...

how did i miss this one. Glad you are having a great time with your daughter what songs did you sing at kareoke haha.

Unknown said...

Glad you are having fun with your daughter..I am trying to put mine in summer school this summer...Better for all...

Wendy Lopez-Redaon said...

hi kimba =)

dropping by to see how you're doin.

man, that's a lot of laundry!

enjoy your time with your daughter and take care *hugs*

BillyWarhol said...

awwwwwww thass Sweet - I know U will Love to have her Home!!

Have FUN this Summer!!

;)) Peace*

Anonymous said...

Woah! You actually listen to that "low low" song?! You are so hip! =P

Anonymous said...

You only get to be a Mom as the moment arises. Enjoy!

Jollyjo said...

And here I am praying for the day mine will leave for college...

If that's what the end of the semester will be like (all that laundry) I will have no part (lol)...

Wonder though what it would be like as a father hanging out with an all too hip daughter?

Kimba The White Lioness said...

WOW! I haven't checked my comments for a few days - you guys are so great!!!

Thanks so much for popping in - even when I don't! LOL!

Love to you all!

Roufa Tav Gosou & Mimi Lass said...

Hey, you should wear one of those "young-men's" articles (a T-shirt is what we have in mind...) one day and see what happens!